What's the page view quota?

A *page view* is a recording of a shopper on *one page* on your website.

A typical shopper's *session* will be composed of several *page views*.

For example, a session where the shopper views the homepage, a product page and the cart page would have three page views and would count towards your quota as three page views.

The number of page views your account can store will depend on your plan, and we store page view recordings for **30 days**.

Once you reach your plan's quota, recording will pause until your account falls back under your plan's quota.

Because our app cleans up recordings more than 30 days old, your account will slowly fall back under your plan quota as old recordings are removed.

If you want to delete all session recordings in your account, go to the bottom of the Settings page and use the ‘Delete all session recordings’ feature.

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