How do I create a heatmap?

To create a heatmap:

  1. From in the Propel Replays app, click Heatmaps on the left column menu then click New Heatmap in the top right corner of the page.

  2. Copy and paste the URL of the page you want to create a heatmap for into the Page URL field. This can be your store's homepage, cart page, a product page - any page on your site.

    Note: to create a heatmap for your homepage, simply enter / in the Page URL field.

  3. Click Save in the top right corner of the page.

That's it! Check back after shoppers have visited the page you created the heatmap for.

Note: we'll begin collecting data from shoppers as soon as you create the heatmap. Until we receive data from shoppers, you'll see a blue warning banner informing you that we're waiting for shoppers to visit the page.

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