How to add a link to your registration form in your shop's main menu

After you've created a registration form, you may want to link to it from your store's main menu so your customers can access it more easily.

  1. Go to the Forms page in the app then click on your form in the forms table to edit it.

  2. Then click the View on store button at the top of the page.

  3. This will launch a popup window that contains the URL to your form. Click the Copy button to copy it.

  4. In the Shopify admin panel, click Online Store —> Navigation then click Main menu.

  5. Click the Add menu item then provide a name for this menu item (e.g., Register.) Paste the URL to your form in the URL field then click Add in the bottom right corner.

  6. It should look like this once saved.

  7. You may check your link in your store.

  8. Clicking the link should direct you to the form that you created.

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