How do I uninstall Propel Upsells and remove Propel Upsells from my theme?

Propel Upsells uses Shopify Theme App Extensions which does not add code to your theme.

If you installed prior to October 2023, here are the steps to manually remove our code from your theme.

  1. Edit your theme.liquid and delete the line "include 'upsell-now'" from the bottom of the page.
  2. In the Snippets folder, delete the files upsell-now.liquid and upsell-now-settings.liquid.
  3. In the Templates folder, delete the files: cart.upsell-now-cart.liquid, product.upsell-now-product.liquid and collection.upsell-now-collection.liquid.
  4. Finally, ensure the app is deleted from the Apps section in your Shopify account.

If you need help with code removal, please provide us with a staff account with access to your themes section. The staff account email can be set to

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