How do I manually create a subscription for a customer?

Please note that this feature is only available on select Propel Subscription plans.

  1. Go to the ***SUBSCRIPTIONS*** page > click on the ***CREATE SUBSCRIPTION*** button.

  1. On the next page, click on the ***SEARCH*** button to see the list of customers available for subscription.
  2. You can only add the ones that says "***SELECT***". That means that you already have their payment info in record on your store.
  3. If the customer says "***No Payment Methods Connected***", you cannot create a subscription for them since your store don't have their payment info yet. You can try to send the customer an invoice so they can pay and your store will capture their payment info, then you can create a subscription for them.

  1. Here you can create the subscription frequency for the customer, then select the Billing Start date as soon as possible or after a few hours or days.
  2. Then you can add the products they should be subscribed to. You can only subscribe them to the products added in our app that has a subscription offer. You cannot add them to any other products.
  3. The "Delivery Price" is the same as the Shipping Fee, you can set it to '0' if the subscription should be for free shipping every time. And the 'Delivery Method Title' will be your Shipping provider like UPS, USPS or FedEx.
  4. You can also add a note in the "Order Note" field to keep track of your orders.

If you encounter any trouble or if you have any other questions, please reach out to us via chat in the app Mon-Sat 4am-8pm US EST time.

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