How to Create a Pre-paid One-Year Subscription with Monthly Fulfilment
With a "pre-paid one-year subscription plan", customers will pay for the full year upfront, but you as the merchant will still receive an order every month in case you need to send products to the customers.
Here's how:
Step 1. Create the new product with an annual price of your choice (in this example, we use 359.40 AUD).
1.a In the Shopify Dashboard, click on "PRODUCTS > All Products" on the left sidebar. Then, click on "Add Product" on the upper right side of the screen.
1.b On the next screen, name the product anything you want, and add the description with images with an annual price of your choice (in this example, we use 359.40 AUD). And don't forget to click on "SAVE" to create the product.
Step 2. Next, we create the annual Subscription Plan with a yearly price of your choice. In this example, we'll create a yearly price of 359.40 AUD with a discount of 9.40 AUD on the first purchase and you get a monthly fulfilment request.
2.a In the Shopify Dashboard, click on "APPS" on the left sidebar and click on our app, "Propel Subscriptions".
2.b On the next screen, click on the "Dashboard" and click on the "Create" button to start creating the yearly subscription plan.
2.c On the next screen, you can name your subscription plan anything you want in the "Group names' setting, and select the yearly subscription product you created in "Step 1.b" above.
2.d Scroll down on the next setting, we'll create the "Subscription plans". You can name it anything you want, and set the "Billing Rules" to a "Monthly" billing, set the "Minimum number of fulfilment" to 1, and set the "Maximum number of fulfilments" to 12 then toggle the "Offer discounts" button and offer a discount of your choice.
2.e On the second part of the set up, toggle the "Change discount on next orders". Here you'll need to set the Discount type to "Percentage" and amount to "100 percent", then set the "After cycle" to 1. This will ensure that the customer is not charged for the monthly fulfilments after the first month.
3. Then don't forget to "SAVE" your subscription plan.